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Hey there, Toombow Kids readers! I’m so excited to be back with you after this long absence. I really missed ...

Does the name “Eli Tilmann” ring a bell? He’s the here  of a new book that was just published, and ...

Hi friends, I hope you’re well! It’s been a looooong time since we’ve connected on Toombow Kids. I’ve missed writing ...

Hello my little readers, how are you? This is Isma, your favorite book hunter! It’s been a long time, it’s ...

Hi friends ! How are you doing? I’m happy to share “Isma’s Tips” column today with you! I’m also glad it’s ...

Hi readers, it’s Isma! What’s up? It’s been three months since we last spoke, that’s a long time! I hope ...

Hi book fans, this is Isma, your favorite book reviewer! For this fourth article of Isma’s Tips, I’m going to ...

Hi friends, my name is Isma! I’m 10 years old, I go to elementary school and in September I’ll be ...

Hello Toombow Kids readers! Hope you’re having a great day ! In this third article of my column Isma’s Tips, I’ll ...

Hello friends, how are you ? It’s Isma ! I am very happy to see you again for the second ...