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Isma’s Tips – “Cherry Crush”

Isma - Cherry Crush
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Hi book fans, this is Isma, your favorite book reviewer! For this fourth article of Isma’s Tips, I’m going to tell you about a saga that is a hit! Do you know Cathy Cassidy? She’s a Scottish writer who created a series of books called « The Chocolate Box Girls. » By the way, the latest volume, which is the 12th, was released in late 2021. Today, I’m going to tell you about the first volume, « Cherry Crush ,» which dates back to 2010. Here we go!

The heroine’s name is Cherry Costello, a 13 year old girl who has no friends and lost her mom. One day, she and her father, Paddy, are going to move to the county of Somerset in the southwest of England to live with his new girlfriend, Charlotte. Cherry is happy because Charlotte has four daughters around her age : Honey who is 14, twins Skye and Summer, 12, and Coco, 11, so she thinks she’ll finally make some new friends! Except that Honey doesn’t like Paddy and on top of that, Cherry has fallen in love with Shay who is Honey’s boyfriend… So you can imagine that there are going to be problems!

First of all, I think Cherry is a great girl who is really nice. I feel sorry for her because at her old school, because no one liked her, she tried to get attention by telling lies to make it look like she had an amazing life. The problem is that she is going to do it again with the four sisters because she doesn’t trust herself and thinks that they would like her less if she told them the truth. Oh yes, also, she is very confused because she loves Shay very much, but she is reluctant to get closer to him because her new family might hate her as he is Honey’s lover. Love is complicated!

In the good ideas of the story, I loved that the whole family is involved in creating a homemade chocolate factory! I must admit that their preparations often made me hungry while I was reading, yum yum! Plus, guess what, there’s a nice surprise at the end of the book because there are recipes from the story! So count me in, I’m going to try them! I’ve cooked desserts on my own before and when Mom, my brothers and my sister ate them, they said they were very tasty! But don’t worry, I don’t make sweets every day! Mom says you shouldn’t because you can get cavities. I agree, so I only eat sweets from time to time!.Anyway, volume 1 really made me want to read the rest!

It’s already the end of the installment, time goes by too fast! I hope you enjoyed traveling. Next time, I don’t know yet which book I’ll present, but I promise you’ll love it! Bye bye!

Hi, you don't know me yet but my name is Isma. I'm a 12 year old journalist who loves to read and write. I have lots to share with you ! Come and discover my column with your parents, a little reading before bedtime is good for growing up. See you soon