Fireman, a heroic profession that has always fascinated people. Even today, what little boy has never dreamed of being a fireman? Thomas Paris, 18 years old, is one of them. This young man also intends to become an actor. So stay tuned to Toombow Kids because you’ll learn a lot!
Toombow Kids: Hello Thomas, how are you? First of all, when did the idea of being a fireman and an actor come to you?
Thomas: Hi, I’m doing fine, thanks. It’s quite funny about firemen: basically, it’s always been a world that I dreamed of, I saw myself saving people whose house was on fire. So one day, when I was 14, I went to visit a fire station just to see what it was like in real life. What I didn’t know was that it was a recruitment day for young firemen. So that evening, I left with a pack full of firemen’s stuff and everything started from there! As for the cinema, I have always liked it, I studied theater in high school and college. In addition, my grandfather, who was a film director, always encouraged me.
Toombow Kids: Okay, that’s great! For those who don’t know, what’s the difference between a firefighter and a volunteer firefighter?
Thomas: That’s easy: being a volunteer firefighter is a passion, it means that it’s not your main job, and you are on duty for 12 to 24 hours of weekend duty at the fire station every week. For firefighters, it’s their full-time job!
Toombow Kids: Thank you, that’s clear. Can you tell us about a typical day at the fire station?
Thomas: We do a lot of drills and we learn a lot of things like first-aid techniques, how to treat cut fingers, we do simulations to save victims in smoky conditions, we practice carrying 30 pound oxygen tanks… So many things!
Toombow Kids: That’s a lot of activities! And what qualities do you consider essential to be a good firefighter?
Thomas: You have to be a team player. Since firefighters always work in pairs, if you don’t trust your partner, you’re out of luck! Also, of course, you have to like helping others.
Toombow Kids: What is the best thing about being an actor?
Thomas: Being able to play different roles, I love it! I took my first acting class when I was 9 years old, I was in a musical comedy when I was 12, and continued acting when I was 16. Now I want to discover this world even more!
Toombow Kids: Finally, do you have a message for all the little boys and girls who dream of becoming a fireman?
Thomas: Kids, never forget that if you want to be a firefighter, it has to be because it’s your passion and you want to help others.
Toombow Kids: Great advice! Thank you Thomas and see you next time on Toombow Kids!
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