“Sweet France. Dear country of my childhood,” sang Charles Trenet in 1947. A country famous for its great artists, literary figures and culture, what is the daily life of a child there like today? Yaël, a cheerful 11 year old French girl, will tell you about her country.
Toombow Kids: Hello Yaël! Great to meet you. How are you doing today ? What is the French dish and dessert that you love the most?
Yaël: Hi! Yes, I’m in good shape! My favorite thing to eat is mussels with French fries! I could eat that every day ! And the chocolate macaroons that my mom makes. They are so delicious!
Toombow Kids: All kids love chocolate (laughs). What activities do you like to do?
Yaël: Oh I love to play sports, all sports! But my favorite is track and field, I work out in a gym. Sometimes I do cross country.
Toombow Kids: Good luck, I might be interviewing a future champion! Are your teachers nice at school?
Yaël: Well… Actually almost all of them. There are only one or two who are not so nice. The rest are great!
Toombow Kids: That’s the main thing! Can you tell us a French word that you like?
Yaël: Uh… Can I cheat? Because my favorite word is not a French word.
Toombow Kids: Of course Yaël, we’re not in school, you can say what you’d like! (laughs)
Yaël: Yes, my favorite word is “LOL.” It comes from the English and it means Laughing Out Loud.
Toombow Kids: Good to know. Thanks. What is your favorite holiday in France?
Yaël: It’s Christmas! I see my whole family and the cool thing is that even when we grow up, we still get presents. And at Christmas, we put on a little show where everyone does an entertaining act. One year, I did a quiz!
Toombow Kids: That’s a good idea! What job would you like to do later?
Yaël: I want to be a teacher or a journalist!
Toombow Kids: Those are great jobs! Can you tell us in your language, « Thank you Baby Madison for making us travel »?
Yaël: Merci Baby Madison de nous faire voyager !
Toombow Kids: We hope you enjoyed traveling with the Toombow train and meeting Yaël! See you soon on Toombow Kids!
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