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The mysteries of France with Yaël !

Yaël in her garden
toombow kids

“Sweet France. Dear country of my childhood,” sang Charles Trenet in 1947. A country famous for its great artists, literary figures and culture, what is the daily life of a child there like today? Yaël, a cheerful 11 year old French girl, will tell you about her country.

Toombow Kids: Hello Yaël! Great to meet you. How are you doing today ? What is the French dish and dessert that you love the most?

Yaël: Hi! Yes, I’m in good shape! My favorite thing to eat is mussels with French fries! I could eat that every day ! And the chocolate macaroons that my mom makes. They are so delicious!

Toombow Kids: All kids love chocolate (laughs). What activities do you like to do?

Yaël: Oh I love to play sports, all sports! But my favorite is track and field, I work out in a gym. Sometimes I do cross country.

Toombow Kids: Good luck, I might be interviewing a future champion! Are your teachers nice at school?

Yaël: Well… Actually almost all of them. There are only one or two who are not so nice. The rest are great!

Toombow Kids: That’s the main thing! Can you tell us a French word that you like?
Yaël: Uh… Can I cheat? Because my favorite word is not a French word.

Toombow Kids: Of course Yaël, we’re not in school, you can say what you’d like! (laughs)
Yaël: Yes, my favorite word is “LOL.” It comes from the English and it means Laughing Out Loud.

Toombow Kids: Good to know. Thanks. What is your favorite holiday in France?
Yaël: It’s Christmas! I see my whole family and the cool thing is that even when we grow up, we still get presents. And at Christmas, we put on a little show where everyone does an entertaining act. One year, I did a quiz!

Toombow Kids: That’s a good idea! What job would you like to do later?
Yaël: I want to be a teacher or a journalist!

Toombow Kids: Those are great jobs! Can you tell us in your language, « Thank you Baby Madison for making us travel »?

Yaël: Merci Baby Madison de nous faire voyager !

Toombow Kids: We hope you enjoyed traveling with the Toombow train and meeting Yaël! See you soon on Toombow Kids!

Mister Me
If you like to travel, my section is the best ! Everyone knows me, I’m your favorite Snowman. Wherever I travel in the world, I have met nice and intelligent children. I will share their testimonies with you. You will discover that children around the world are alike, and it is good to learn about new cultures. So open yourself to the world with Mr. Snowman !