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The new Baby Madison Label’s combat

Each year, the Toombow Kids team is outraged to hear about all the scandals and shortcomings of the various establishments for children. This is a shame because, as parents, we all want our children to be in a safe environment. Faced with this terrible situation, the SOS Madison International Foundation, a subsidiary of the Mason Ewing Corporation, had an idea: to create the first label in the world dedicated to the protection of children. Thus, in 2022, the « Baby Madison Label » was launched.

In order to best meet the safety needs of minors, this international system was developed and refined over many months after numerous consultations with professionals from the world of children, such as directors of childcare centers, teachers, nurses, and educators. By discussing with all these experienced people to enhance the conditions to obtain the label, the goal was to assure parents that they can entrust their children to safe establishments, without having to worry.

It wasn’t long before two recreation centers in France offered to be the first to test the label in a test phase that was successful. From now on, the Baby Madison Label team’s goal is to expand its influence and label for childcare centers around the world. In the future, the label intends to work with numerous orphanages in different countries to improve their conditions because many of them are in deplorable states and do not allow children to thrive in a loving environment.

According to the latest UNICEF reports, nearly ten thousand children are orphaned every day in the world, and number more than 140 million. Among these children who end up in orphanages, it is important to understand that many end up on the streets at the age of 18 or even earlier due to lack of space. When you visit countries such as India, for example, you quickly realize the seriousness of the situation when you see many abandoned children on the street. For those left behind, a disastrous future awaits them: some become thieves and are imprisoned when they only wanted to provide for their basic needs. Others, less fortunate, die of starvation, are employed as sex slaves as in Thailand, or die of disease.

That’s why SOS Madison International launched the Baby Madison Label to protect children around the world by ensuring that they are housed in places where they have enough food and have access to health care, where they won’t have to fear being abused or raped at night, and where they will receive love. It is also for this reason that the Baby Madison Label hopes to work with Amber Alert in the future to help as many children as possible who have been abducted. The cause of orphans is also a combat that affects Toombow Kids, that’s why our team will not fail to share with you the news concerning them!

On the label’s logo, just below Baby Madison, you can find its motto: “Praesidium, Lex, Pignus.” For those who don’t know Latin, this means “Protection, Law, Security,” a credo that perfectly sums up the label’s values! The Toombow Kids team is concerned about all children who end up on the street. To learn more about the Baby Madison Label and to support it, please visit :

Baby Madison and Toombow
Hello friends, this is baby Madison with my friend Toombow the little train. We are thinking about all the parents who have children who have been kidnapped. So, we created a special department that will be managed by team of specialists. The goal of Toombow Kids is to relay any information to the authorities about children who have been kidnapped so that they can be found quickly. As a result, Toombow Kids would like to work with law enforcement agencies and Amber alert. Child safety is highly important to me, and is also the battle of Baby Madison, the SOS Madison International team, and the Baby Madison Label. Thanks everyone !