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The long-awaited return of Eli Tilmann: “The Secret of Madala Magic”

The long-awaited return of Eli Tilmann: "The Secret of Madala Magic"
Ewing Publication

Fans of the “Adventures of Eli Tilmann” saga can rejoice: the second volume titled The Secret of Madala Magic has been completed for some time, according to the author, and will be released towards the end of 2024. This event marks an important milestone for Ewing Publication, which will satisfy the impatience of many readers captivated by the sincere and authentic adventures of Eli Tilmann in the first volume.

The first volume, The Mystery of Athon Forrester, released on all platforms like Amazon, Kobo, Google Books, Lantern, etc., on September 25, 2023, introduced us to Eli and his group consisting of his two best friends Logan Lost and Johnny Glanderwood, his brother Conrad, his sister Kimberly, his parents, and other close ones. The trio of friends had moved heaven and earth in their town of Jonathanland to find a teenager named Athon Forrester who had mysteriously disappeared. Readers were charmed by the thrilling plot and well-developed characters, making the wait for the sequel even more unbearable.

Toombow Kids, having had access to exclusive information, was authorized to reveal details about the plot of this second volume and the future plans for the Eli Tilmann saga. In The Secret of Madala Magic, Eli will encounter antagonists from the first volume, notably Sharon, who will play a key role in this sequel. Her motivations and actions, partially revealed previously, will be explored in depth. Readers will discover what drives Sharon to act as she does and how her sinister plans endanger the fate of Eli and his friends.

The young Tilmann will have to face new secrets that surpass everything he has known so far, centered around the mysterious Madala Magic. These are ultra-popular lollipops in Jonathanland, sold by the confectioner Lili Smooth, whom you heard about in the first volume since Eli and his friends love them and often consume them, just like the burgers at Milly Prapara’s Magic Bubbles Restaurant or the Coucoum Valoum drink. However, the name “Madala” was not chosen by chance. According to a legend told by Lili Smooth, this name was inspired by a goblin named Madala, who saved her little brother lost in the woods when he was a child. This local legend will add a layer of mystery and folklore to the plot, and it seems likely that Eli will discover incredible things about this family. He may even meet one of its members…

But the real surprise announced by the author Mason Ewing lies in the shocking revelations about Eli’s origins. Everything Eli has experienced so far – his strange dreams and inexplicable events – will find an explanation in this volume. Eli’s true nature will be revealed, marking a turning point in the saga, shifting it into a more magical and fantastic world. Fans can expect a mix of emotion and suspense as Eli faces an identity crisis. According to Ewing, this second volume will introduce a darker tone, with higher stakes and more intense confrontations. The characters will evolve, gaining in complexity and depth. The hero, in particular, will see his role and abilities develop significantly to prepare him to face much greater challenges in the upcoming volumes. Relationships between the characters will also be tested, bringing an interesting dynamic and palpable tensions that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Ewing Power Production, the audiovisual company affiliated with the Mason Ewing Corporation holding, has big plans for adapting the Eli Tilmann saga into a series of films. This initiative is particularly exciting for fans as it promises to bring Eli’s adventures to the big screen. According to the author, the adaptation aims to stay true to the books while fully exploiting the possibilities offered by cinema to enrich the story visually and emotionally. This planned film series is ambitious, intending to produce no fewer than 10 films to cover the entire saga, one for each book. Observers compare this project to the Harry Potter series in terms of the story’s scope, the depth of the universe, and the themes addressed. Indeed, the feature films should explore the same themes of courage, friendship, and self-discovery while delving deeper into the magical and epic side of Eli Tilmann’s universe.

Beyond a sequel, The Secret of Madala Magic promises to be a major evolution in the story of Eli Tilmann, paving the way for new adventures. Moreover, the saga seems to be moving at full speed, as its third volume titled The Curse of the Nesh is already in preparation. Readers are thus invited to closely follow the release of The Secret of Madala Magic at the end of 2024 and prepare to dive into a story that will forever change their perception of the Eli Tilmann universe!